Why We Don't Bike

Cars are big

It can be intimidating to share the street with those steel beasts. (But it's not as hard as you think)

Let's talk about sweat...

Do humans really ride a bike and then walk into work? (Answer: yes)

Hard pass on spandex

And the pointy helmet. You're just not that "guy" (No wories: you can be normal and bike. You can even wear jeans).

Gears + gear

You've gotta buy a bike, and a helmet, and a lock and what is a "bottom bracket?" and grease 😭 ack I give up already.

But biking is sorta awesome

  • Reduce your carbon emissions by 94% ♻
  • Be COVID-safe 😷
  • Skip traffic & parking tickets 🚘
  • Feel better about your health & body 🕺
  • Save $—gas, mechanic—maybe even ditch the car payment! 💰

Hey, I'm Chris

And I want to coach you from hesitant cyclist to confident commuter.

When I moved to the city, I knew how to ride a bike, but was nervous about traffic, and it just felt complicated.

But a friend showed me the ropes... the best routes in my neighborhood, the easiest way to lock a bike, and before I knew it I was riding every day.

Now after seven years of urban riding, I want to show you everything I know!


A coaching course for you to finally do this

After 7 years of 🚲ing in the 🏙 almost every day,

I've got tips. A lot of tips.

I started having friends ask me—can you go with me to buy a bike? Ride with me in our neighborhood? Show me the best way to bike from my place to the loop? Can you teach how hand signals are supposed to work?

Finally, I decided to do something about it!

I've put everything I know into this course. For you.

I recorded 35 44 50 video lessons of keeping-it-real lessons that you definitely won't find in the Illinois driver's manual. Stuff like:

  • What to do about back sweat
  • How to be safe with cars wizzing past you
  • How 4-way stops really work for a bike
  • How to find the bike lanes in your neighborhood (and why you won't always want to)
  • Why some hand signals are important (but some aren't)
  • Shifting gears for urban stop-and-go traffic
  • Choosing between Divvy bikeshare and your own bike
  • What a "right hook" is (it's critical that you know about this)
  • Why I don't fall off my bike (you don't need to either)
  • And a whole lot more

To be honest, I'm not a bike shop mechanic and I haven't won any city bike awards (are there awards?).

I'm just a guy that learned how to bike in the city, loves it, and is willing to share.

But it's not just my experience that's going to help you out! You need to get off your butt and do it.

So I've structured the course into a series of lessons you can do across eight weeks—or just four weeks if you're really into it. It's up to you.

Sometimes we need the encouragement to make a change. I'll help you do that.

Let's bike the city!

You Ready to Bike Chicago?

A lot of folks think about it, but never do it.

I honestly think that biking in the city is the key to living a Chicago city life that's healthier and happier!

So take a first step! Sign up, and I'll send you a free mini-course

five free video lessons on essential things you need to know

  • How to choose between Divvy bikeshare & your own bike
  • Common mistakes folks make when locking your bike
  • How to "Take the Lane" for safety (this is 301 topic!)
  • Mental blocks that keep us from making a change

It's just a simple way I can help out and get you thinking more about it.

I hope to see you biking in the city!

— Chris

Put me on the list!

Free city bike essentials mini-course

+ Chicago biking tips + course updates

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© 2021 BikeMy.City / Chris Ridgeway, LLC

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